Trusted Servants - They Do Not Govern
SGVIE Intergroup serves these areas:
Covina, Glendora, Azusa, Diamond Bar, Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, Duarte, Monrovia, and Claremont
The Board of Directors
Covina, Glendora, Azusa, Diamond Bar, Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, Duarte, Monrovia, and Claremont
The Board of Directors
- Chair: Cindy S, [email protected] (626) 335-7547
- Vice Chair: OPEN
- Secretary: OPEN
- Treasurer: Andie, [email protected]
Committee Chairs
- Special Events: OPEN
- 12 Steps Within: OPEN
- Region 2 Rep: OPEN
- Meeting Liaison: OPEN
- Briefs: OPEN
- Public Information: Shelby M, [email protected], (626) 272-6899
- Prof. Outreach: OPEN
- Literature: Teri L, [email protected], (626) 825-0831
- Webmaster: Shelby, [email protected], (626) 272-6899
- Social Media (Facebook, Instagram and twitter): Contact Shelby with questions.
- Phone Tree: Susan (909) 447-0977
- Facilities Manager: OPEN
- Zoom Administrator: Jill, [email protected], (505) 850-5586
When and Where Does the Board Meet?
SGVIE Board (#09009) meets:
When: On the second Saturday of each month at 9:45 am.
Where: SGVIE Intergroup Meeting Room,
1157 E. Arrow Hwy., Suite 4, Glendora, CA 91740
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 825 944 5125
Password: 2020
Find your local number:
When: On the second Saturday of each month at 9:45 am.
Where: SGVIE Intergroup Meeting Room,
1157 E. Arrow Hwy., Suite 4, Glendora, CA 91740
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 825 944 5125
Password: 2020
Find your local number:
Board Eligibility
Eligibility for Election to SGVIE Intergroup Board of Directors
- Have regularly attended OA meetings for one year and are currently and regularly attending meetings in the SGVIE Intergroup for one year.
- Have abstained from compulsive overeating for 6 months prior to and including the date of election. (The abstinence requirement can be suspended by a majority vote at the time of elections.)
- Have taken steps 4 and 5, be practicing the Twelve Steps, and be committed to the Twelve Traditions, guided by the Twelve Concepts of Service.
- Each nominee or candidate must be present at the time of election.
- Each nominee or candidate shall not be a paid professional staff member or employee of the World Service Office, Region 2, or the SGVIE Intergroup of Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
- During his or her term as Director, each Director shall make a commitment to adherence to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions, guided by the Twelve Concepts of OA Service and continued maintenance of abstinence throughout the entire term of his/her office.
- Elections take place each year on the 2nd Saturday of October at the 9:45 a.m. board meeting.
- Join the board meeting by Zoom; Meeting ID# 825 944 5125; Password 2020, or phone in at (408) 638-0968.
- To be elected, a nominee must receive a majority vote, and be present at the time of election.
- Chairperson shall be elected for 1 year. Can serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.
- Other board members are elected for one 2 year term and serve no more than 2 consecutive terms.
- A board member who has completed 2 consecutive terms of service shall be ineligible for election for 1 year.
- The SGVIE IG board meets on the second Saturday of each month.
- Attendance at meetings is very important for the Board to be able to do the work that needs to be done.
- Attendance for the entire meeting is expected, unless discussed with the Chairperson beforehand. Being able to directly ask board members questions at the time of the meeting, is critical to preventing issues being held over for another month. Please be courteous of others’ time.
- Members that miss two (2) consecutive meetings or four (4) total in one year without just cause will be deemed to have resigned their positions and will no longer be able to sit on the Board. Their position on the Board will terminate the day after the second (2) consecutive meeting missed without just cause.
- This provision of the bylaws constitutes appropriate notice and no other notice need be given.
- The Board by resolution may adopt guidelines as to what constitutes just cause for the purpose of the Article.
- The IG board supports SGVIE events and activities to represent the Board's interests.
Board Position Duties
The following information is intended as a guide for performing the duties of a board member, standing or ad hoc committee member or intergroup representative. Some information is fluid and subject to change in order to meet the intergroup’s needs as issues and/or circumstances develop. The Board, by a simple majority vote, may adopt, from time to time, resolutions or standing rules regarding the duties of officers and directors. Only the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Literature Person are authorized signatories on the SGVIE Intergroup accounts at Financial Institutions.
OA's "Handbook for Members, Service Bodies: Recovery..." and other detailed information about service positions and related duties are available at: “Go to the Library.”
Some experience with accounting practices and access to a computer is necessary for this position.
“SGVIE Briefs” is the intergroup’s bi-monthly newsletter designed to keep members informed of OA-related information important to the fellowship. Information includes but is not limited to personal stories of recovery, OA announcements, events, and contact information.
Focus is on carrying the OA message to professional organizations, including but not limited to hospitals, treatment centers, correctional facilities, religious organizations, schools, libraries, corporations and civilian and military communities.
To be eligible for election as a Representative or Alternate Representative, a person must, at the time of their election: 1.) Have at least one year of current abstinence, have attended meetings of OA for one year, be attending a regularly Registered Group which is also affiliated with World Service and Region 2, and have at least two (2) years of service beyond the group level. 2.) Be present at the time of election. (A Region 2 manual is located in the SGVIE office to help better understand the position.)
Twelve Step Within deals largely with relapse and issues of membership retention.
Intergroup Representatives (IRs)
Intergroup Representatives (IRs) are elected by their member group meeting to attend the board/membership meetings and report back to the member group meeting, monthly. Many group problems can be resolved by sharing experiences at intergroup/service board meetings with representatives from other groups.
OA's "Handbook for Members, Service Bodies: Recovery..." and other detailed information about service positions and related duties are available at: “Go to the Library.”
- Conduct all regular or special meetings of the intergroup,
- Be a signatory on all SGVIE Intergroup accounts at financial institutions.
- Call emergency and special meetings of the Board and the intergroup as necessary.
- Be an ex officio member of all committees.
- Appoint, upon a vacancy, a replacement committee chairperson, upon approval of the Intergroup.
- Sign on all accounts and be authorized to co-sign checks.
- Shall be the contact person for WSO information.
- Along with the Treasurer, negotiate the office lease or appoint a (Facilities Manager).
- Ensure the general account of the intergroup be audited annually.
- Only in the event of a tie will the chairperson vote.
- Support SGVIE events and activities to represent the Board's interests.
- Appoint any Ad Hoc committees, as necessary.
- Provide a copy of the current Bylaws and signatory Board Positions and duties to each newly elected board members in December or direct the IG Secretary to perform this duty.
- Assists the Chairperson and oversees the duties of the Facilities Manager.
- Serves and assumes the duties of the Chairperson in the Chairperson’s absence.
- If a vacancy should occur in the office of Chairperson, the Vice-Chair shall act as Chairperson until the first opportunity for an election.
- Responsible for registering World Service Delegates and Region 2 Representatives and requesting funding from Region 2 / WSO, if needed.
- Some experience with word processing and access to a computer is necessary for this position. (Meetings are recorded to assist the Secretary in transcribing accurate minutes.)
- Responsible for maintaining accurate minutes and records of the Board and membership meetings.
- Distribute minutes to all Board members and Intergroup Representatives (IRs) at least one week prior to the board and/or other meetings, ensuring sufficient time is provided so that the minutes can be reviewed, read and ready for approval at the Board meeting.
- Provide a copy of the current Bylaws and signatory Board Positions and duties to each newly elected board member.
- Post a copy of the meeting minutes and agenda at SGVIE, keep a copy on file in the office and distribute copies to the Board and Intergroup Representatives.
- Maintains a complete list of contact information used for notification of regular and special meetings of SGVIE IG to the fellowship, prepared or under the direction of the Secretary.
- Maintain a current list of all SGVIE IG committees, subcommittees (standing or ad hoc) and their members' contact information.
Some experience with accounting practices and access to a computer is necessary for this position.
- Be the custodian of all funds received and disbursed by the SGVIE Intergroup.
- Be a signatory on all SGVIE Intergroup accounts at financial institutions.
- Make monthly financial reports to the SGVIE Intergroup Board and monthly membership meetings, and such annual financial reports to members as are required by law. Said annual financial reports to members are to be prepared by independent accountants, auditors or Certified Public Accountants as required by law.
- Verify the validity of all bills charged to the SGVIE Intergroup and arrange for their payment.
- Inform the Treasurers of Member Groups of SGVIE Intergroup's financial status when, and if, appropriate to do so.
- Be responsible for all fiscal and income tax related matters and filings required by the California Franchise Tax Board and the Internal Revenue Service.
- Maintain a prudent reserve of two (2) months to cover expected operational needs. Excess funds will be donated to OA service bodies as determined by the IG.
- Keep an adequate amount of WSO conference-approved books, pamphlets, newcomer literature and abstinent chips and serenity coins on hand and available for purchase.
- Process inbound shipments of literature and price items for sale, including amounts of shipping and sale tax.
- Coordinate with group meeting literature representatives and assist in ordering bulk literature to take advantage of shipping and discounts.
- Promote awareness of literature at various meetings. Stay informed about new pamphlets and books produced by WSO.
- Manage inventory of OA-approved literature and reconcile physical inventory to collections.
- Work with the IG Treasurer to stay aware of how much money is available to purchase literature.
- Present the Treasurer with all receipts for literature reimbursement on a timely basis.
- Present a monthly report to the Board.
“SGVIE Briefs” is the intergroup’s bi-monthly newsletter designed to keep members informed of OA-related information important to the fellowship. Information includes but is not limited to personal stories of recovery, OA announcements, events, and contact information.
- Serves as the Editor of SGVIE Briefs and keeps an electronic copy and a hard copy for SGVIE files and the next Briefs Coordinator.
- Print out an appropriate number of copies of the Briefs for distribution, e-blast, and posting at SGVIE office/meeting space.
- Coordinates with other board members for synergy and consistent messaging in communicating OA and the OA Program of Recovery.
- Submit an electronic copy to the webmaster to upload to the SGVIE website, Public Information representative and/or social media administrator to post on SGVIE Facebook page.
- Plans and coordinates special events, workshops, and retreats throughout the year. Is encouraged to form a committee to assist in planning and presenting events.
- Develops and maintains a calendar year of workshops, events, and retreats to maximize attendance and avoid conflicting with other OA service bodies’ scheduled events.
- Keeps the SGVIE Board updated on all events in a timely manner.
- Prepares all workshop flyers and submits to Board and Region 2 for approval.
- Ensures all communications/flyers are posted on SGVIE IG, Region 2 and WS event calendars.
- Coordinates with other board members for synergy and consistent messaging (i.e., Briefs Coordinator, Public Information, Webmaster, etc.) in communicating workshops, retreats, and special events.
- Prepares event and retreat plan budgets well in advance of the event, tracks deposits, actual expenses, and attendance.
- Responsible for all monies before and after the event and submits a detailed report of expenses, profit or loss, and receipts to the IG Treasurer.
- Within a reasonable period of time (30 days), prepares and presents a wrap-up report for the intergroup, highlighting attendance, profit/loss, etc.
- Maintains event and retreat files, keeping copies of materials to guide the next Special Events Coordinator.
- Sufficient knowledge, or the ability to learn, public information outreach measures as outlined by Overeaters Anonymous, Inc., in order to communicate OA's Program of Recovery. Supervise and oversees the duties of the "Phone Tree Coordinator," "Social Media Administrator" and "Webmaster".
- Convey information to the general public about the existence of Overeaters Anonymous and what OA can do for the still suffering compulsive eater.
- Oversee communication of the OA Program of Recovery via all methods of communication (i.e., print, radio, television, social media, phone, and website; keeping in mind and informed of OA’s 12 Traditions and 12 Concepts of Service surrounding public information outreach.
- Coordinate with other board members for synergy and consistent messaging in communicating OA and the OA Program of Recovery.
Focus is on carrying the OA message to professional organizations, including but not limited to hospitals, treatment centers, correctional facilities, religious organizations, schools, libraries, corporations and civilian and military communities.
- Attend health fairs and events to spread information about Overeaters Anonymous to professionals and the public.
- Distribute information about how OA can be of assistance to patients, employees, clients and students, etc., by distributing OA's professional information materials, and developing "speaker" panels, etc.
- Coordinate with other board members for synergy and consistent messaging in communicating OA and the OA Program of Recovery.
To be eligible for election as a Representative or Alternate Representative, a person must, at the time of their election: 1.) Have at least one year of current abstinence, have attended meetings of OA for one year, be attending a regularly Registered Group which is also affiliated with World Service and Region 2, and have at least two (2) years of service beyond the group level. 2.) Be present at the time of election. (A Region 2 manual is located in the SGVIE office to help better understand the position.)
- During his/her term as Representative or Alternate, he/she shall make a commitment of adherence to The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA, and continual maintenance of abstinence throughout the entire term of his/her office.
- Contact Region 2 and advise you are the new SGVIE R2 Representative and provide contact information.
- Verify that Region 2 has the correct names and addresses of IG Board.
- Attend two Region 2 Assemblies (spring and fall) and the annual World Service Business Conference.
- Request board approval for attendance and provide an estimated expense report at board meeting.
- Provide a written and verbal report to the board following attendance at R2 assemblies and WSBC.
- Make/provide copies of the report for Intergroup Representatives (IRs), SGVIE display rack, bulletin board and include the report (or summary report) in an upcoming issue of SGVIE Briefs. (File report in R2 Assembly / WSBC binder(s) in SGVIE office.)
- Submit final expense report and receipts to SGVIE Treasurer for reimbursement.
- Assist the Special Events chairperson with one (1) annual event for each year of service. All proceeds from said event go to offset costs for SGVIE’s Region 2 representatives' annual attendance at two (2) Region 2 Assemblies and (1) World Service Business Conference (WSBC). Event proceeds are directed to SGVIE IG's Budget “INCOME,” line item, "Anonymous/Other Donations." Event funds are used for R2 representation, only.
- Keep up with and regarding spring/fall R2 assemblies dates, annual WSBC, and other information pertinent to the fellowship.
- Prior to each board meeting, check R2 and WS websites for 'What's New' and communicate pertinent information.
- Keep SGVIE’s bulletin board and display rack up-to-date with Region, WS and IG information. This includes posting area IGs newsletters on the bulletin board and in the display rack.
- Mail and e-mail WSO, R2 and IGs a copy of the SGVIE Briefs and event flyers.
- Participate in Region 2’s monthly telephone “Chat With the Chair” Information at
- Be the contact for all meeting secretaries; keep the Meeting Directory current and accurate, and assist all groups with their registration with WSO.
- Maintains a current list of groups (i.e., Meeting Directory) that are registered with WSO for SGVIE Intergroup.
- Keep the SGVIE IG meetings updated at
- Assist meetings in solving problems and report said problems to the Board.
- Keep the Board and committee members informed of all changes and updates to the Meeting Directory.
- Keep current copies of the Meeting Directory replenished at the SGVIE Office, for posting on the bulletin board, and in the (indoor/outdoor) display racks.
Twelve Step Within deals largely with relapse and issues of membership retention.
- Carries the message of recovery to compulsive overeaters within the intergroup.
- Is encouraged to create a 12 Step Within committee to assist in outreach.
- Callers connect OA members on the twelfth day of each month.
Intergroup Representatives (IRs)
Intergroup Representatives (IRs) are elected by their member group meeting to attend the board/membership meetings and report back to the member group meeting, monthly. Many group problems can be resolved by sharing experiences at intergroup/service board meetings with representatives from other groups.
- Each Member Group shall be entitled to one (1) vote at membership meetings. That vote is cast by a person (Intergroup Representative) chosen in accordance with the Twelve Traditions by that Member Group.
- Individuals employed by an Intergroup, Region or WSO shall NOT be eligible to serve as an IR while so employed.
- No IR can be designated to vote on behalf of more than one Member Group at a membership meeting.
- In the event that the IR cannot attend a membership meeting, an Alternate IR can be chosen by the Member Group and that Alternate IR empowered to vote on behalf of the Member Group.
- An Intergroup Representative attends the board/membership meeting, takes notes, and reports back to their meeting monthly.
- In addition to keeping his/her group informed about things going on at the intergroup/service board or in other groups that attend the intergroup/service board gathering, the representative is expected to participate in service activities undertaken by the intergroup, for example: events, marathons, and workshops that serve OA meetings in the area or OA as a whole.
Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
The following summarizes a portion of SGVIE IG Bylaws, "VII. Committees" pages 10-11: By simple majority vote the board may adopt resolutions or standing rules establishing standing and ad hoc committees as deemed necessary for the welfare and operation of the SGVIE Intergroup of OA. Each committee is responsible to the SGVIE IG board. . . A. The Chairperson, with the concurrence of the Board, shall appoint such committee members from among the Directors. Other persons affiliated with a Member Group shall be eligible to serve at the discretion of the Chairperson and Committee Chair, on committees established under this Article, but only a Director may chair a standing committee, and D. Ad hoc committees may be chaired by a Director, Intergroup Representative, or Registered Group Member at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
Facilities Manager (Reports to the Vice-Chair)
Phone Tree Coordinator (Reports to Public Information Chair)
Sufficient knowledge of OA program, SGVIE IG and the ability to coordinate volunteers, in carrying the message of the OA Program of Recovery.
Social Media Administrator (Reports to Public Information)
A social media-savvy individual with a desire to spread the OA Program of Recovery to the compulsive overeater who suffers, is needed for this position. Sufficient knowledge or the ability to learn social media outreach measures as outlined by Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
Webmaster (Reports to Public Information)
Some experience with websites is required for this position. Sufficient knowledge of website outreach measures as outlined by Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
Zoom Administrator (Reports to Vice Chair)
Facilities Manager (Reports to the Vice-Chair)
- Conducts or oversees the repair & maintenance of the SGVIE Office & Meeting Room.
- Functions as liaison with property management for the repair and maintenance of the SGVIE Office & Meeting Room.
- Responsible for door locks & the fabrication, distribution, & tracking of keys to the SGVIE Office and Meeting Room.
- Provides or oversees Zoom and technical Services - implementation, maintenance, & administration for the SGVIE Intergroup.
Phone Tree Coordinator (Reports to Public Information Chair)
Sufficient knowledge of OA program, SGVIE IG and the ability to coordinate volunteers, in carrying the message of the OA Program of Recovery.
- Coordinate Phone Tree volunteers to answer the phone at designated day/times.
- Provide Phone Tree volunteers with the necessary script/information to answer, receive and return calls about OA's Program of Recovery.
- Update the voice-mail phone message in SGVIE IG office to keep it current.
- Program the phone to forward phone calls to the designated Phone Tree volunteer.
Social Media Administrator (Reports to Public Information)
A social media-savvy individual with a desire to spread the OA Program of Recovery to the compulsive overeater who suffers, is needed for this position. Sufficient knowledge or the ability to learn social media outreach measures as outlined by Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
- Maintain the SGVIE Facebook group, Instagram, and Twitter accounts.
- Approve new members to the SGVIE Facebook account.
- Remove posts with outside issues.
- Post SGVIE-related announcements, events, and documents to the SGVIE Facebook Page.
- Coordinate with other board members for synergy and consistent messaging in communicating OA and the OA Program of Recovery.
Webmaster (Reports to Public Information)
Some experience with websites is required for this position. Sufficient knowledge of website outreach measures as outlined by Overeaters Anonymous, Inc.
- Responsible for maintaining all content on SGVIE website.
- Work closely with Board and committee members to make sure SGVIE website is up-to-date.
- Coordinate with other board members for synergy and consistent messaging in communicating OA and the OA Program of Recovery.
- Post SGVIE-related announcements, events, and documents.
- Post SGVIE-related announcements for Region 2, WSO and other intergroups.
- Maintain the PayPal treasurer links on the Treasurer page of the SGVIE website.
- Coordinate with web designer for website design changes.
- Check e-mails in the contact inbox and respond to questions and requests.
Zoom Administrator (Reports to Vice Chair)
- Maintain security for zoom meetings.
- Trouble shoot problems with the zoom and internet connections
- Train meeting secretaries and zoom hosts on zoom.
- Manage passcodes and zoom access for zoom hosts during the week.
- Upload speaker recordings for meetings and workshops to Podcast.